Peter Ridd to advise Global Warming Policy Foundation
/The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) in the UK has appointed Professor Peter Ridd to its Academic Advisory Committee [LINK HERE].
Professor Ridd’s most recent research has focussed on improving Quality Assurance in the science used in public policy.
In August 2019, he gave a series of public lectures on this issue, which focussed on the quality of the research into human impacts on water quality across the Great Barrier Reef; the lectures were hosted by AEF to commemorate the live and work of Professor Bob Carter.
Professor Carter had been one of Professor Ridd’s colleagues at JCU and the two had much in common, both professionally and personally — marine geophysical research, a strong commitment to scientific rigour and intellectual independance, AEF Directorships, and scientific advisory roles in both AEF and GWPF.
The GWPF is an apolitical think tank and registered educational charity, which is open-minded about the contested science of global warming but deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policy measures that are being advocated to address it. Lord Lawson of Blaby, a current member of the UK House of Lords and a former Chancellor of the Exchequer in Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government, was one its co-founders. The other was Dr Bennny Peiser, who is currently the Director of the GPWF.
The GWPF’s Academic Advisory Council is a group of scientists, economists and other experts who provide the Foundation with timely scientific, economic and policy advice. It reviews and evaluates new GWPF reports and papers, explores future research projects, and makes recommendations on issues related to climate research and policy.