How to Join AEF or Renew Membership
Those who wish to join the AEF or to renew their membership of the Foundation should complete the electronic Membership Form below, submit it by clicking on the button at the bottom of the Form, and pay the requisite Membership Fee.
The Membership Fee for a full financial year is A$55, which includes Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST). In the case of new members, the Fee varies with the date on which their original membership application is submitted:
in the quarter of the financial year ending 30 September, the full year Fee applies;
in the quarter ending 31 December, the Fee is $45;
in the quarter ending 31 March, the Fee is $30; and
in the quarter ending 30 June, the Fee is $15.
The Membership Fee may be paid by either cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Cheques should be made payable to 'Australian Environment Foundation' — NOT to the 'Australian Environment Fund' — and sent to the AEF Secretary at the postal address set out in the footer to this webpage.
EFTs should be directed to the AEF bank account below. They should include the new or renewing member's surname in the EFT reference—or as much of their name as will fit in the space that is provided by your bank for this purpose. If there any ambiguity, we ask that you to email the full details to the Secretary at:
Account Name: Australian Environment Foundation
BSB No: 013 308
Account No: 4978 00 416