Registration Now Open for Upcoming Webinar

Those who wish to attend the GWPF-AEF Webinar on Reforming Environmental Science, which is to be held on Tuesday, 24 November 2020, need to register in advance at the Zoom website. Attendance is free of charge.

Further details on the forthcoming Webinar are at the Events webpage.


Zoom will provide each registrant with instructions on how to join the webinar at the appropriate time. It will also remind each one the day before the event, just in case they forgot the relevant details or cannot locate the original email.

Zoom is very easy to use, even for retirees with minimal to no exposure to videoconferencing.

For example, the average member of my Probus Club is over 80 years of age but the large majority are able to participate in our meetings on Zoom. Most of those who do not participate, do not own a suitable device or an email account.

Immediately after a registration has been completed, Zoom automatically emails a hyperlink to the registrant. Simply clicking on that hyperlink connects the device — regardless of what type of personal computer, desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone it is — to the ‘virtual meeting room’ that Zoom has reserved for the webinar.

One of our Zoom hosts will admit you to the ‘virtual meeting room’ and you are good to go.

The Zoom website has lots of online help for novices. This includes an easy-to-follow user guide for those attending a Zoom webinar for the first time [CLICK HERE}.

Among other things, the guide will help you adjust the video and/or audio settings on your device, should that be necessary. It will also show you how to use the Zoom Q & A feature. That’s pretty much all you need to know to enjoy the event to the full.

Should you run into any difficulties, you can email AEF for help at this address: